Cloud Infrastructure Redesign for Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

Executive Summary

WunderTrading is a financial technology (fintech) company that facilitates the real-world use of cryptocurrencies through several products and solutions. In order to achieve its mission, WunderTrading needed a fault-tolerant, scalable solution that catered to the foundational needs of Financial Institutions working within a rapidly changing exchange market.

Advascale designed a robust, scalable AWS environment to support its platform, which helped the company further develop its solution.

Customer Challenge

WunderTrading had an “on-premises over cloud” infrastructure with many difficulties. The client had his infrastructure in AWS, but it wasn’t configured correctly. Cloud infrastructure was struggling with scaling.

WunderTrading connects to different exchanges via API. As for exchanges, they have a limit on the number of connections from one IP address. Therefore, making the application (including proxies) in AWS scalable and fault-tolerant was crucial. It was necessary to avoid the restriction on the number of requests per IP per second. At the same time, to make the IPs able to be whitelisted, they must be persistent (EIP). If this was not addressed, their robots would start to deliver information to the exchanges more slowly and would lose all value in the context of fluctuations in the exchange rate and business needs. Clients would receive irrelevant information due to volatile exchange rates.

Also, it was essential to move the current backend on Autoscaling. Without this, the system could not keep up with the growing number of requests, getting CPU throttling. The processing switches to asynchronous mode and is unable to execute them simultaneously.

“Our cloud infrastructure was struggling with scaling. Advascale helped us and created a new base for our infrastructure to develop further. Cloud migration was a great success.”

Jevgenijs Latiševs, CEO, WunderTrading

Advascale Solution

WunderTrading reached out to Advascale for this infrastructure project with a focus on Autoscaling. Building the new AWS environment so that WunderTrading could stay ahead of a fast-evolving business environment was key.

The Advascale Team redesigned the entire infrastructure. This improved scalability, optimized costs, increased the speed of CPU work, and optimized operations.

The solution offered by Advascale also incorporates deploying the application in two environments across two VPCs with three availability zones. One for production, another for staging application stack.

The application consisting of “php+nginx” part and “node” part was deployed involving EKS. This ensured scalability - the number of active instances could be easily regulated. The database was created with a Terraform template on AWS Aurora for MySQL. MongoDB Atlas was used with connection via VPC peering. Redis replica set with enabled multi-az and auto-failover functionality was used as session handler and cache. Proxies were implemented as an autoscaling group, with one instance with EIP association, and based on AMI with installed docker.

Results and Benefits

Advascale successfully migrated the company’s system to the new infrastructure, ensuring fault-tolerance, scalability, optimized costs, increased the speed of CPU work, and optimized operations.

The new infrastructure makes scaling simple that allows the Client to reach high performance while balancing spending.

The availability of solutions has risen to 99.965 percent. The proxy network allows bypassing the restrictions 1 IP = a fixed number of connections.

With Advascale’s solution, load activity peaks are skipped without delay, and during the idle time, the system works as cost-efficiently as possible due to EKS scaling.